Immigration - new material (30)

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Recent developments in immigration law Rick Scannel Jawaid Luqmani & Chris Randall. Legal Action March 1997 pp21-28 1997. Latest update includes the effects of the new compulsory application forms scheme for in-country applications and gives details of recent refugee cases including that of Karamjit Singh Chahal's case in the European Court of Human Rights.

No One Is Illegal. Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit No. 20 (Winter) 1997 pp4. This issue of the newsletter contains a feature on "immigration law and the non-nuclear family".
Available from GMIAU 400 Cheetham Hill Road Manchester M8 9LE.

The Threshold of the Intolerable. Report on the situation of foreigners and asylum seekers in France International Federation of Human Rights Leagues November 1996 pp.29.

Sans-papier: Chroniques d'un mouvement Co-dtition IM'mdia/Reflex Paris 1997 pp.128. ISBN 2-9507124-2-8 FF50 - Reports background information and analysis of the sans-papier movement March-December 1996 in France.

A Migration Policy for the Future. Possibilities and Limitations, Jeroen Doomernik Rinus Pennix Hans van Amersfort Migration Policy Group Brussels/University of Amsterdam 1997 pp89. Analysis of migration policy in the Netherlands in the last two decades.

Parliamentary debates

Asylum Seekers Commons 5.3.97. cols. 837-858

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