Immigration - new material (31)

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Immigration policy for a multicultural society. A comparative study of integration language and religious policy in five western European Countries Hans Vermeulen (ed) Migration Policy Group Brussels 1997. Includes Belgium Germany France UK and the Netherlands.

Asylum developments in Europe John Sunderland. Chartist No. 166 (May-June) 1996 pp22-23. Looks at restrictive asylum practices and argues for the Labour government to champion a shift in policy towards greater co-operation between states in making a balanced contribution towards humanitarian aid resettlement programmes military support etc under the leadership of the UNHCR.

Asylum statistics United Kingdom 1996 Madeleine Watson & Nick Cooper. Home Office Statistical Bulletin (Research and Statistics Directorate) Issue 15/97 1997.

Control of immigration: statistics United Kingdom second half and year 1996. Keith Jackson & Barry Bardwell-Snow. Home Office Statistical Bulletin (Research and Statistics Directorate) Issue 14/97 1997.

Newsletter National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Issue 6 (May-June) 1996. This issue contains an update of cases and features on immigration law and black Britons and the Autonoom Centre in the Netherlands.

Is there a new agenda on immigration? CARF 38 (June/July) 1997, pp4-5. This article looks at the Labour Party's promises on immigration while in opposition and asks how progressive they will be in government.

Austerity hits migrants first. CARF 38 (June-July) 1997 pp6-7. Examines the state of welfare - health housing family life and social security - from the point of view of migrant workers and asylum seekers. It warns that their exclusion from these provisions is an intimation of the "shape of things to come".

Parliamentary debates

Special Immigration Appeals Commission Bill Lords 5.6.97. cols


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