Immigration - new material (39)
01 September 1998
Review: Asylum-Seekers and Immigration Act Prisoners- The Practice of Detention, Rachel Ellis. Prison Reform Trust 1998, 26pp ?4.95. A comprehensive and informative report on the practice of administrative detention of persons subject to proceedings under the Immigration Act 1971. The report contrasts the experiences of detention of (mainly) asylum-seekers held in designated immigration detention centres, (in this case, Campsfield, Harmondsworth and Tinsley House) with those held in Prison Service establishments (Rochester and Haslar). Comparing a wide range of aspects of detention, (from staffing and complaints procedures to medical facilities, communications and the availability of gender appropriate activities and regimes), the report concludes with a concise list of recommendations. These recommendations are aimed not only at improving the current situation for immigration act detainees, but, equally importantly, at emphasizing the need for the Home Office urgently to review the practice of detaining asylum-seekers in Prison Service custody. Available from: PRT, 15 Northburgh Street, London EC1V OAH.
Recent developments in immigration law, Jawaid Luqmani, Chris Randall & Stephanie Harrison. Legal Action July 1998, pp13-17. Quarterly round-up of developments in legislation, practice and case law.
Campsfield revelations. CARF 45 (August-September) 1998, pp10-11. This article examines the unsuccessful attempt to criminalise protests by detained asylum seekers which was sanctioned by Labour Immigration minister, Mike O'Brien.
Newsletter. National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns Issue 11 (July-September) 1998. The latest newsletter contains a round-up of cases and features on The Home Office Exceptional Leave Policy, an NCADC lobby of Parliament, Campsfield Detention Centre and pieces on refugees and migrants in Germany and Ireland.
Between a rock and a hard place: the travelling community in Ireland, Siobhan Molloy. Fortnight No. 373 (September) 1998, pp17-24. This piece incorporates a number of articles covering economy (Robbie McVeigh); education and social inclusion (Tony Gallagher & Anne Baird) and women travellers (Sarah Morton).
Don't Deport our Love, Tina Jackson Big Issue. 3.8.98. p26. Looks at the campaign to stop a gay couple from Bedford being separated through the deportation of Abdelghani Ait Mahmood, and to raise awareness of the problems confronting homosexual couples who applied for residency prior to changes in the law which are moving towards ending the discrimination against gay couples in UK immigration legislation. Details of the campaign from: Abdou Must Stay Campaign, c/o The Clarence Hotel, 13 St John Street, Bedford MK42 0AH.
Laughed out of Court, Teresa Hayter. Red Pepper September 1998. pp.14-17. This article gives details of the events leading up to the riot at Campsfield House immigration detention centre in August 1997. It covers the build-up to the trial; its collapse after persistent lying by the Group 4 prison guards; the reactions of Mike O'Brien and Jack Straw to the collapse of the trial, (notably, their continued backing of Group 4 and of the principle of incarceration by the private sector) and the conditions of the 9 detainees following the collapse of the trial.
Parliamentary debates
Immigration (Domestic Violence) Commons 24.6.98. cols. 1023-1030
Asylum Bill Commons 10.7.98. cols. 1410-1418
Immigration and Asylum White Paper Lords 27.7.98. cols. 1244-1261
Special Immigration Appeals Commission Lords 29.7.98. cols. 1586-1589<