Immigration - new material (54)
01 August 2001
Government programmes on Roma. Roma Rights, nos 2 & 3 2001, pp104.
This issue lists attacks and instances of abuse and discrimination against Roma throughout Europe. In the UK, ethnic discrimination by immigration officials is allowed by excluding them from the scope of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, and a Ministerial Authorisation signed by Barbara Roche in April requiring "a more rigorous examination than other persons in the same circumstances" for Kurds, Rom, Albanians, Tamils, Pontic Greeks, Somalis and Afghans. Special reports look at government programmes on Rom in Slovenia, Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary, Greece, Czech Republic and Slovenia. Available from: ERRC, 1386 Budapest 62, PO Box 906/93, Hungary.
Mugak no 12 (April/June) 2001, Centro de Estudios y Documentacion sobre el racismo y la xenofobia, pp59.
This issue focuses on the massive numbers of expulsions taking place (17,623 Moroccans from January 2000 to June 2001) in Spain and the way in which they do not arouse concern in the media except for extreme cases and mass expulsions. The mass expulsion of 37 Nigerians, most of whom were detained in a CETI (Centre for the Temporary Reception of Immigrants) for over six months, undergoing Spanish language classes and work training courses, aroused some criticism, although it is argued that such expulsions form part of the government's policies. Includes a report from the Belgian section of Amnesty International on lethal expulsions in Switzerland, an account of a Collective Anti?Expulsions (CAE) action in Roissy airport in Paris to inform travellers and airport staff about expulsions urging them not to cooperate, a practical legal guide on how to avoid expulsion (a practical guide for intervening in airports, elaborated by CAE is available on:, a table on access to the labour market for third country nationals, reports on the relationship between education and migration policy and the construction of difference and denial of rights in institutional policy in Spain, and the integration of Muslims in Europe.