Immigration - new material (8)

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Home Office discretion outside the immigration rules Frances Webber. Legal Action pp18-20 February 1994.

Row over detention of Jamaican visitors. Runnymede Bulletin p4, February 1994. On the detention of nearly 200 Jamaican visitors to Britain just before Christmas.

Recent developments in immigration law Rick Scannel Jawaid Luqmani & Chris Randell. Legal Action pp18-21 March 1994.

Policing refugees and asylum-seekers in "Greater Europe": towards a reconceptualisation of control Mike King in "Policing across national boundaries" eds. M Anderson and M. den Boer Pinter 1994 pp69-84.

Current and future international migration trends in Europe John Salt. Council of Europe [CDMG (93) 28E] 1993.

Overview of re-admission agreements in Central Europe prepared by the Division of International Protection and the Regional Bureau for Europe of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, September 1993 18pp.

Parliamentary debates

Immigration practice Lords 16.2.94. cols. 270-282 Michael Lennon Commons 15.2.94. cols. 919-926 Immigration Commons 20.7.93 cols 301-323 Child migrants Commons 22.11.93 cols 301-308

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