Immigration raids (1)
01 January 1991
Immigration raids
artdoc August=1993
The meeting of Interior Ministers of the EC in Copenhagen in June
agreed a resolution on the deportation of third country nationals
resident in the EC without authorisation (often termed `illegal
immigrants') (see Statewatch vol 3 no 3). Raids on the homes of
suspected `illegal' immigrants in the UK have been going on for
many years but unusually the Home Office issued a press release
on 24 June drawing attention to `Operation Boxer' in which thirty
people were detained in south London; thirteen were flown out to
Nigeria the next day with the others being detained. On 21 July
81 suspected `illegal' immigrants were arrested in `Operation
Boxer' involving 35 police officers and 20 immigration officials.
A Home Office spokesperson said such raids were becoming more
common. Home Office Minister Charles Wardle said that there was
a consensus among EC Interior Ministers that `the maintenance of
effective immigration controls was an important factor in
achieving the successful integration of immigrants lawfully
resident in the member states of the Community'.
Home Office press release, 24.6.93; Commons written answer,
Statewatch vol 3 no 4 July-August 1993