Italy: Scalfaro and SISDE under investigation

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The former Italian President, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, is under investigation, accused of malfeasance in public office in connection with secret funds channelled into the Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Democratica (Democratic Information and Security Service, Sisde) during his term as Interior Minister, from 1983 to 1987. Former agents Maurizio Broccoletti, Michele Finocchi and Gerardo Di Pasquale, have exposed practices whereby the Interior Minister would receive 100 million Lire payments, and false payments were made to real and fictitious members of the services. The case arose in 1993, when Scalfaro was President and an unprecedented institutional crisis beckoned. It was reopened in response to a formal inquiry, by Filippo Mancuso (Forza Italia) head of the commission investigating the scandal at the time, to Justice Minister Oliviero Diliberto. Diliberto repeated the reasons for the shutting of the case in 1994, when sources from the state attorney's office explained that the prosecution service considered the "availability of reserved funds for Sisde from interior ministers for institutional ends as legitimate", and that there was no evidence against Scalfaro to show that the funds were used in a non-institutional manner.

La Repubblica 4.6.99.

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