Joy Gardner prosecutions (1)

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Joy Gardner prosecutions
artdoc July=1994

The Police Federation and supporters of the campaign to see
justice over the death of Joy Gardner are agreed that the
prosecution of three police officers for manslaughter, announced
by the Crown Prosecution Service on 26 April 1994, while welcome,
should not be allowed to replace a full inquiry into the
authorisation of lethal restraining equipment in deportations.
Ms Gardner collapsed after her mouth was taped as police and
immigration officers attempted to take her from her home to
deport her on 28 July 1993. She died in hospital four days later
without regaining consciousness. Until her tragic death the use
of body belts, surgical tape and a special police deportation
squad to detain immigrants for deportation was unknown to the
Guardian, Independent 27.4.94

Statewatch, vol 4 no 3, May-June 1994

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