Law - new material (13)

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Public interest immunity Alan Beckley. Policing vol 11 no 4, Winter 1995 pp282-290. Argues that sufficient precedents now exist for the police to make more use of pii. The immunity which courts can give to Crown documents may mean "the police service with its authority under the Crown could also claim similar privileges".

Traveller law review Luke Clements & Ravi Low-Beer. Legal Action January 1996 pp11-13. Review of the law relating to travellers.

Legal Advice Service for Travellers Paul Wheeler Legal Action December 1995 p9. The Telephone Legal Advice Service for Travellers was launched in March 1995 to increase legal services for gypsies and New Age Travellers across England and Wales. The TLAST can be contacted at the Traveller Research Unit Cardiff Law School University of Wales PO Box 427 Museum Avenue, Cardiff CF1 1XD. Telephone 01222 874580

Juveniles and the criminal justice system Tony Hyams-Parish. Legal Action January 1996 pp14-17. Outlines the procedures for treatment of children and young persons as suspects or defendants taking into account the recent changes introduced by the Criminal Justice Acts 1991 and 1993 and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

Public Order Review Jo Cooper. Legal Action February 1996 pp10- 12. Review of trends and significant developments in public order and arrest cases.

Criminal Justice Act's first birthday. The Law October-December 1995 pp16-17. Piece on squats, ravers and hunt saboteurs, travellers and protestors and their experiences under the oppressive and ignorant Criminal Justice Act.

Legal Defence & Monitoring Group. Annual Report 1995-96 pp8. The LDMG was launched in March 1995 and has been regularly monitoring and providing legal back-up on demonstrations since then. The Group has 40 observers and has dealt with 47 arrests on events - the details of which are presented in this report. The LDMG can be contacted at BM Box HAVEN London WC1X 3NN.

J'Accuse. Newsletter from Fair Trials Abroad Winter 95. The group works to monitor and take up cases of people held in the legal system outside their own country. Available from: Fair Trials Abroad Bench House Ham Street Richmond TW10 7HR.

Parliamentary debates

Criminal procedure and investigations Bill Lords 27.11.95 cols 462-506

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