Law - new material (32)
01 November 1999
Inquest Law. INQUEST, Issue 2 (Summer) 1999. This is a new journal from the Inquest Lawyers Group. It covers the Parliamentary Ombudsman's report into the death of Kenneth Severin, disclosures and inquests into deaths in custody, Blair Peach and the inquest into the death of Nathan Delahunty.
Statue of Liberty, Terry Falco. Police Review 2.7.99., pp28-29. Looks at the implications for the police of the wider effects of Section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Specifically the author is concerned about "the removal of the absolute bar on suing police for negligent investigations [which] has broadly brought the British police service into line with other
Transforming the Crown Court - consultation document. The emerging proposals. The Court Service, September 1999, pp75. The aims and objectives regarding improvement of the Crown Court are set out in the Lord Chancellor's foreword and in the Executive Summary. The rest of the document sets out the current proposals for achieving these aims and objectives in the context of an anticipated increase in workload to arise from the entry into force of the Human Rights Act and the Crime and Disorder Act. The principal aims are a reduction in delays and costs, an improvement in the quality of service, increased cooperation between criminal justice agencies and increased use of information technology in the Crown Court. The next report, containing a full set of proposals for change is due to appear early next year.
Jack Straw's juryless courts, Lee Bridges. Guardian 25.11.99. Article on Jack Straw's proposals to curb the right to trial by jury. The legal profession has accused the Home Secretary "of abandoning principle and threatening a fundamental civil liberty" and, as Bridges shows, the cost savings that motivated him are unrealistic.
Youth and Criminal Evidence Act 1999: Part 1 & 2, Vera Baird. Legal Action October & December 1999, pp16-18 and pp15-16. These articles outline the main provisions of the Act.
Implications of the Human Rights Act, Keir Starmer. Legal Action October 1999, pp19-29. Starmer discusses the application of the European Convention on Human Rights in UK domestic law.