Law - new material (35)
01 September 2000
Legal Briefing. Activists' Legal Project, number 1 & 2, pp6 & 8 respectively. This new series of legal briefings focuses on the arrest process and the rights of the detainee and a brief guide to the trial procedure in the Magistrates' Court. Briefing 1 gives helpful information and advice for activists about the process of detention, cautions, charges and what (not) to carry (ie. address books) when risking arrest. Briefing 2 focuses on the court procedure, differences between the courts, pre-trial hearings, the trial procedure, sentencing, court costs and questions of organising your own defence. Available from: Activists' Legal Project, 16b Cherwell Street, Oxford OX4 1BG,, Tel: 0044(1)1865-243772.
Ministerial Statements - The Human Rights Act 1998 (A compilation of ministerial statements made on behalf of the government during the Bill's passage through parliament), Katie Ghose. Immigration Law Practitioners' Association, August 2000, pp70, ISBN 1 901833 05 4. This compilation aims at informing UK immigration practitioners about the implications of Britain's new Human Rights Act, at encouraging broad and flexible interpretations with regards to the Act's provisions and to "provide in one source a list of all relevant ministerial statements" which can, in UK law, be used to clarify the meaning and effects of new legal provisions. Available from: ILPA, Lindsey House, 40-42 Charter House Street, London EC1M 6JN,
Parliamentary debates
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill Lords 12.7.00 cols. 255-297; 316-364
Football (Disorder) Bill Commons 13.7.00 cols. 1181-1265
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill Lords 13.7.00 cols. 380-387; 400-452
Football (Disorder) Bill (Allocation of Time) Commons 17.7.00 cols. 33-74
Football (Disorder) Bill Commons 17.7.00 cols. 75-154; 155-190
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill Lords 19.7.00 cols. 1017-1081
Football (Disorder) Bill Lords 20.7.00 cols. 1182-1262
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill Commons 26.7.00 cols. 1177-1210
Football (Disorder) Bill Lords 24.7.00 cols. 146-196
Football (Disorder) Bill - Committee Lords 24.7.00 cols. 197-272
Business of the House: Football (Disorder) Bill Lords 25.7.00 cols. 283-299
Football (Disorder) Bill Lords 25.7.00 cols. 299-352; 368-410
Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No.2) Bill (Allocation of Time) Commons 25.7.00 cols. 938-992
Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No.2) Bill Commons 25.7.00 cols. 993-1022