Law - new material (37)

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The right to privacy - RIP?, Ed Cape. Legal Action January 2001, pp21-23.

Considers the provisions of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Act 2000 "and asks whether it really safeguards privacy." Covers interception of communications, access to communications data, surveillance and covert human intelligence services and access to encrypted material.

Human rights, government wrongs, Tim Gopsill. Journalist October 2000, pp18-19.

This article surveys the state of media freedom under British law. Considering the Terrorism Act, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and the Freedom of Information Bill, Gopshill concludes that, "for all the freedom rhetoric of New Labour, the state is not readily letting go of the levers of control over information."

Public Order review, Jo Cooper. Legal Action February 2001, pp14-18.

Bi-annual article reviewing "trends and significant developments" in public order and arrest cases. Covers "Criminal Damage Act 1971", "Violent disorder", "Racially aggravated offending", "Anti-social behaviour", "Arrest" and "self-defence" among other topics.
Waiting for Auld, Lee Bridges. Legal Action December 2000 pp6-7. Bridges reports on the defeat of the government's Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No 2) Bill, which would have restricted the right to jury trial. He also considers the likely recommendations of Lord Justice Auld's review of the criminal courts.

Parliamentary debates

Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill Lords 13.11.00 cols 18-122
Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill Commons 14.11.00 cols 833-913
Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill Lords 28.11.00 cols 1262-1297
Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill Commons 30.11.00 cols 1186-1231
Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Bill [H.L.] Lords 21.12.00 cols 845-850
International Criminal Court Bill [H.L] Lords 15.1.01 cols 924-941; 955-1001
Social Security Fraud Bill [H.L.] Lords 16.1.01 cols 1037-1056; 1064-1091

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