Law - new material (45)

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The Iraq Affair - Legal Issues, Dr. Paul Arnell. SCOLAG Legal Journal issue 309, July 2003, pp 121-123. This article raises legal issues arising from the invasion of Iraq in relation to the legality of the military action and the legality of the of the prosecution of the conflict. Arnell concludes that: "Objective judgement on the use of force against Iraq must conclude that the action was in contravention of international law" while "an objective judgement on the legality of the prosecution of the conflict is, due to limited information, impossible to make." Available from: SCOLAG Legal Journal, 7 Drumdryan Street, Edinburgh EH3 9JZ, Scotland,

Public order review, Jo Cooper. Legal Action September 2003, pp. 18-20. Latest update reviewing trends and significant developments in public order and arrest cases. This piece considers the Police Act 1985 (assault on a police officer), Football (Offences) Act 1991 (racist chanting) and the Criminal Justice Act.

A Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland. Through the years - the views of the political parties. Committee on the Administration of Justice (July) 2003, pp. 24 (ISBN 1 8732585 44 2). The CAJ has long campaigned for a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland. This paper is a compilation of the position taken over the years by Northern Ireland's political parties and is designed to facilitate dialogue around the issue.

Coroners law review, Leslie Thomas. Legal Action September 2003, pp. 21-24. Thomas considers the proposals contained in Death certification and investigation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland - The reports of a fundamental review 2003 in light of the changing case law under The Human Rights Act 1996.

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