Law - new material (62)
01 July 2007
“18/98: En justicia, la única solución: Absolución”, Amalia Alejandre and José Manuel Hernández, May 2007. Article by two Madrid lawyers and EHwatch (Euskal Herria Watch) observers of the court proceedings of the 18/98 case, one of the most controversial in recent times, in which 52 people and several businesses and civil society organisations face charges of being part of ETA's "infrastructure". Their conclusion is summed up in the title: "18/98, in law the only solution: acquittal". It is also available in English. EHwatch,
Setting the record straight: human rights in an era of international terrorism. Keir Starmer. Legal Action February 2007, pp. 6-9. This is the text of Starmer's annual Legal Action Group lecture last December. His starting point is the "claim made by several members of the Cabinet, including the Prime Minister, that there is a conflict between ensuring and protecting human rights on the one hand and ensuring and protecting all of us from terrorism on the other. Often that claim takes the form of an attack on the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998. But it also takes the form of an attack on the judiciary, with a suggestion deliberately trailed that out judges are wrongly undermining the war on terror by deliberately misrepresenting the law." LAG, 242 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UN, email: legalaction@LAG.ORG.UK
Recent Developments in European Convention Law - part 2, Philip Leach. Legal Action June 2007, pp. 30-33. This article examines cases at the European Court of Human Rights with reference to the UK, focusing on Articles 8 (Right to respect for private and family life), 12 (Right to marry) and 14 (Prohibition of discrimination).
El derech a elegir y ser elegible. Mugak, n.38 (January-March) 2007, Euro 6. This issue focuses on the campaign for migrants to have the right to vote and to run for office, with articles also covering developments in EU policies, the relationship between immigration and remittances, a report on racial profiling by police, conflicts between youths in the Madrid neighbourhood of Alcocon and humanitarian concerns around the case of Marine I. Available from: Mugak, Centro de Estudios y Documentacion sobre tacismo y xenofobia, Pena y Goni, 13-1-20002, San Sebastian