Law - new material (75)

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Sound off for Justice. JUSTICE. This is the website for JUSTICE’s campaign calling for the defence of access for all to the justice system. The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill will put into law the coalition government's cuts to access to justice and force through changes which will mean hundreds of thousands of people will no longer be able to use the courts to assert their legal rights. Visit the website at:

Student in al-Qaida raid paid £20,000 by police, Sam Jones. The Guardian 15.9.11. Update on Rizwan Sabir, the student who was arrested for downloading a copy of an al-Qaeda training manual (which was readily available on the CIA’s website and can be bought at WH Smiths) as part of his research into terrorism at the University of Nottingham. Rizwan was detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 2008 and charged with downloading the material for illegal use. After spending a week in custody his legal team brought proceedings against Nottinghamshire police for false imprisonment and breaches of the Race Relations Act and the Data Protection Act. A week before the case was due to come before the court, the police force settled, paying Sabir £20,000 compensation. Michael Oswald of Bhatt Murphy said that the police must “act within the law and must be held to account when they are not.”

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