Law: new material (9)
01 December 1994
Time intervals for indictable proceedings in Magistrates' courts - October 1993. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 5/94 7.4.94.
Right on balance Barbara Mills. Police Review 1.7.94, pp19-20
The Director of Public Prosecutions on the new code for Crown prosecutors and relations between the police and the CPS.
United you're nicked: The Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill, New Statesman and Society (supplement) 24.6.94. Useful guide to the provisions of one of the most oppressive laws to have been passed in a modern democracy .
Race and the criminal justice system. Criminal Justice Consultative Council 1994. This report contains fifty recommendations of a sub-group chaired by Judge Elisabeth Fisher. It is available from the Home Office.
Does the criminal justice system treat men and women differently? Carol Hedderman & mike Hough. Home Office Research Findings 10 May 1994. This paper is published under Section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 and concludes that the weight of evidence is against differential treatment.
Consistency in sentencing. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research vol 2 no 1. Includes: Towards European sentencing standards; Punitiveness in Europe - a comparison; Alternative sanctions: myth and reality; Sentencing and prison overcrowding.
Juvenile justice system. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research vol 2 no 2. Includes: Youth justice - crisis or opportunity; The juvenile court: an endangered species?; Beyond rehabilitation: in search of a constructive alternative in judicial response to juvenile crime.
The magistrates poor? Coroners and deaths in custody in nineteenth century England. Joe Sim and Tony Ward in "Legal medicine in history" eds. Michael Clark and Catherine Crawford, Cambridge University Press 1994 pp344.
The law: a new free newspaper on the criminal justice system, May/June 1994 issue includes: Right to silence; plea bargaining; child jails; feature on squatting; the Bridgewater Four case, From: The Law PO Box 3878 London SW2 5BX.
Parliamentary debates
Police & Magistrates' courts Bill Commons 26.4.94. cols. 110-216 Criminal Justice & Public Order Bill Lords 20.6.94. cols 10-67 & 74-167 Criminal Justice & Public Order Bill Lords 21.6.94. cols 179-204 Street Disorder and begging law reform Commons 21.6.94. Cols, 127-133.