Migrant deaths
01 March 2004
The trickle of deaths on the Spanish borders of the EU continued in the month of April. On 4 April, an Algerian immigrant who tried to swim across the Moroccan border into Ceuta, the Spanish enclave in North Africa, was found dead on a beach in Ceuta. On the morning of 17 April, 14 sub-Saharan African men and a baby died when two dinghies carrying 61 persons hit rocks off the east coast of the island of Fuerteventura, in the Canary Islands, during their crossing from the Western Sahara. On 22 April, a Moroccan woman was found dead on a beach near Motril (Granada, in Andalucía) after crossing the Strait in a zodiac carrying at least 35 people. On 28 April, two men were found dead in the stores of a merchant ship flying a Turkish flag in Escombreras (Murcia, southeast Spain) that came from Casablanca (Morocco). They may have suffered asphyxia as they tried to smuggle themselves into Spain.
El País, 5, 18, 23, 28.4.04.