Military - new material (10)
01 December 1996
The Scott inquiry: financing the arms trade Steve Dorril, Lobster (Dorril) 30 1996 pp3-12. This piece examines the role of organisations - International Military Services Defence Exports Services Organisation British Overseas Trade Board and the Overseas Projects Board - and individuals involved in the sale of defence equipment to Iraq.
Campaigner's guide to the internal repression trade. Peace News March 1996 pp7-10. Useful pull-out feature on the "technology of repression" that focuses on the Covert Operations and Procurement Exhibitions (COPEX) and the intimidatory tactics they use to prevent publicity of their mercenary trade.
NATO Expansion: Flirting with Desaster. Defense Monitor Center for Defense Information - Washington DC November/December 1995.
Implementing Dayton: Arms Control and intelligence in former Yugoslavia. BASIC Papers No. 15. 11.3.1996. Analysing Confidence- and Security-Building Measures and US and NATO intelligence operations in Bosnia.
Tomorrow a Eurobomb? Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 1996/1, Proponents of Franco-German talks about nuclear weapons assert that the result will not be co-possession by Germany but a nuclear consultative body similar to NATO's Nuclear Planning Group.
Spain's view of Maghreb as NATO's souther flank. International Defense Review 1/1996. Support of NATO intelligence and AWACS continues to be vital for Spain in military confrontation with its southern neighbours. However the US has never agreed to undertake the defence of the North African Ceuta and Mellila enclaves who remain Spanish responsibilities.
NATO Multinational Airmobile Division. RAIDS no 52 March 1996, Exercise "Cold Grouse" in Denmark marked the operational debut of NATO's multinational air-mobile division as a European rapid intervention force.
Security in numbers on the OSCE network. Jane's Defence Weekly, 24.1.1996. The expanding 45-nation OSCE computer network could support NATO's Partnership for Peace.
All change for France: how the big shake-out will shape-up, Jane's Defence Weekly 15.3.1996. Under the new army system abolishing conscription France will be capable of deploying up to 60.000 troops abroad instead of just 10.000 at present due to a ban on assigning conscripts to foreign combat duty.
Die Bundeswehr in Auslands-Einsatz [Foreign deployment of the Bundeswehr]. Wehrtechnik nos 2 & 3 1996. Description of the role of the new headquarters (Fhringszentrum) of the Bundeswehr and the German land forces in the German foreign military deployments.
Die Krisenreaktionskrfte der Bundeswehr [The crisis intervention forces of the Bundeswehr]. Europische Sicherheit no 3 1996, Overview of the units.
Die Zukunft im Lufttransport [The future of military airlifts]
Europische Sicherheit no 3 1996. Crisis situations in Somalia
Ruanda and Yugoslavia have shown the growing importance and the limits of military airlift capabilities.