Military - New material (12)

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The IGC: committed to creating a common foreign capability, Jane's Defence Weekly 27.3.1996. At the start of the Intergovernmental Conference of the EU this article reviews the objectives of the countries involved and the effects they could have on no-members.

Die deutsch-franz sische Restingszusammenarbeit und ihre Neustruktur (German-French cooperation in military procurement and its new structure). Wehrtechnik no 4 1996.

La Force de Reaction Rapide Danoise (Danish Rapid Reaction Force). Raids no 119 April 1996.

Les Commandos-Marine Cypriotes (Marine-Commando's of Cyprus), Raids no 120 May 1996. MYK (Monas Ymourhan Katastpofon an underwater demolition unit are the Cypriot special forces.

Franco-German defence ventures in jeopardy. Jane's Defence Weekly 1.5.96. Franco-German cooperation has been seriously impaired by disagreements on helicopter-procurement the European fighter project and the Helios spy-satellite programme.

RAF to quit Germany as UK adapts to changes. Jane's Defence Weekly 8.5.96. The UK is to close its last Royal Air Force base in Germany by 2002 according to the annual Statement on the Defence Estimates.

The day them missiles rained on Rotterdam. Jane's Defence Weekly, 8.5.96. In a US-German-Dutch exercise in theatre missile defence in the Netherlands six Iraqi Scuds and North Korean No Dong missiles were arching towards the port of Rotterdam but destroyed by Luftwaffe Patriots.

EU Debates Post-IFOR Force. Military Watch (The Balkan Institute, Washington) 16.5.96. Article on European reluctance on staying in Bosnia without some form of US participation.

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