Military - new material (15)
01 December 1996
Reaction Force reshapes NATO doctrine International Defence Review no 9 1996. The Rapid Reaction Corps peacekeeping role in Bosnia is evolving a doctrine that could be applied in future interventions.
Turkey's new posture: change or continuity? Jane's Intelligence Review September 1996. The Islamic element in the new coalition government will have to adapt its policies to complement prevailing political and strategic conditions.
Multinational Division Central (Airmobile) NATO's Sixteen Nations no 1 1996. Special issue on NATO's rapid deployment force.
European Union slams "secret budget" nations Jane's Defence Weekly 7.8.96. The EU not always so transparent in it's own affairs has complained that the overwhelming majority of Unites Nations member states (165 of the 185) are refusing to reveal their military budgets to the UN. The reluctance is partly attributed to a recent outcry by Western donors that development assistance should be conditioned on military expenditures.
UK joint force operational Jane's Defence Weekly 7.8.96. The UK's new Joint Rapid Deployment Force (JRDF) intended to improve the UK's crisis response ability has officially become operational.
US Army Lion Brigade poised for action Jane's Defence Weekly, 21.8.96. Report on the Southern European Task Force Infantry Brigade the only US Army light infantry force that is forward deployed in Europe based in Vicenza in northern Italy and suitable for low intensity operations.
Ten European nations to set up AMRAAM support Jane's Defence Weekly 28.8.96. Ten European NATO-members are to set up a collaborative logistic support programme for their US-made advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM). It is almost certain that the missile maintenance test centre at Karup Air Base in Denmark will be used. Another option would be the Norwegian Air Force depot in Kjeller.
European team eyes $2b satellite contract Jane's Defence Weekly, 4.9.96. A consortium with Alcatel Espace Thomson-CSF Matra Marconi Space and a German team will be formed to bid for an Anglo-French-German military communications satellite programme.
Sweden favours leading edge in face of budget cuts Jane's Defence Weekly 18.9.96. Country report on the improvement of Sweden's high-readiness units.
Spain Italy form joint amphibious brigade Jane's Defence Weekly 25.9.96. The brigade expected to number between 2 000 and 3 000 personnel could be operational in four months and used for combat operations the curbing of illegal immigration drug trafficking and for disaster relief.
French German activity stymies Europe merger Defense News, 29.7.96. Cross-border consolidation in Europe has been suspended temporally as potential partners wait for the dust to settle form the ongoing restructuring of France's state-owned defence industry and a Franco-German review of cooperative projects.
Profit & politics to drive consolidation of industry in Europe, Defense News 19.8.96. A string of mergers privatizations and leadership changes in European defence companies suggest the dawn of a third phase in the adjustment of the industry to a post Cold War reality.
Franco-Belgian Pact lays foundation for North Sea Navy Defense News 2.9.96. An accord will be signed by mid-September.
Multinational Satellite Plan stalls; countries move on own projects Defense News 16.9.96. Plans for a multinational spy satellite program in Europe have been put temporally on ice as some of the governments move forward on military telecommunications spacecraft and small satellites with military applications.
Debate over European preference snarls new arms agency Defense News 23.9.96. A spat over the direction of a fledgling European arms procurement agency has once again brought to the forefront the long-standing differences between France and Britain over the need for a European defence policy. This column is prepared by: AMOK Esdoornstraat 14 3551 AJ Utrecht Netherlands. Fax: 00 31 30 44 1783.