Military - new material (18)

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France is determined to play a central role in Europe's defence, J A C Lewis Jane's Defence Weekly 12.2.97. Nothing in the recent Franco-German military accord is new but it symbolizes the determination of Paris to improve relations with Bonn.

Ballistic missile defence "should be NATO-wide". Joris Janssen Lok Jane's Defence Weekly 5.3.97. According to Luftwaffe officers at the Airpower conference in London an alliance wide missile defence capability is needed to defend NATO against ballistic missiles from its southern and southeastern neighbours.

US Special Ops Forces head for mainstream. Barbara Starr Jane's Defence Weekly 12.3.97. Documentation about the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

Italian Navy steps up its fleet integration. Paolo Valpolini, Jane's Defence Weekly 9.4.97. Briefing about the Italian Navy that has been active during the recent Albanian crisis and supports the NATO Stabilization Force in Bosnia.

Spain - Regular forces at the centre of new policy. David Ing, Jane's Defence Weekly 26.2.97. Overview article about the Spanish armed forces in a process of professionalisation.

Les forces francaises d'outre-mer (2) [French overseas forces]. Yves Debay. Raids-Magazine no 129 February 1997. Second part of a dossier about the units of the Southern Indian Ocean.

Le dispositif militaire francais en Afrique [The french military deployment in Africa] Eric Micheletti. Raids-Magazine no 130, March 1997. The military cooperation missions in more then 20 African countries.

Le groupement de commandos parachutistes [The paracommandos group] Eric Micheletti. Raids-Magazine no 131 April 1997, Dossier about this French unit for long distance airborne covered intelligence missions.

Extending the Nuclear Umbrella: Undermining the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty. BASIC Notes 7.2.97. Two proposals currently under discussion would undermine the NPT if implemented: NATO's current nuclear posture that requires participation by European allies in command control and consultation arrangements on nuclear weapons and the french Eurobomb proposal.

Much ado about nothing? Martin Butcher. BASIC Reports no 56, 11.2.97. The wording in the Joint Franco-German Security and Defence Concept on common EU defence is vague enough that bonn and Paris can claim to have moved the other. The single most striking issue addressed in the agreement is that of nuclear deterrence.

Wer bekommt das Kommando? Transatlantisch Streit um Militarinterventionen von NATO und WEU [Who gets command? Transatlantic struggle on military interventions of NATO and WEU] Ralf Bendrath. AMI 1997/2.

Daten und Fakten zur Militarisierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Data and facts on the militarization of the German Federal Republic]. AMI 1997/3. Special issue of this German antimilitarist bulletin with articles on out-of-area operations of the Bundeswehr military procurement NATO and WEU the German police the foreign intelligence service (Bundesnachrichtendienst) and military expenditure.

Das Fuhrungszentrum der Bundeswehr [Operation centre of the federal armed services] Claus Rosenbauer. Europaische Sicherheit 1997/2. Descriptive article on the new headquarters for German foreign military intervention.

European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs Security and Defence Policy Draft Report on the formulation of perspectives for the common security. Rapporteur: Mr. Leo Tindemans 26.2.97. The draft report stresses that "the inclusion of an economic security clause in the Treaties would give the European Union the means to act when the security of its supplies is threatened."

Immerwaehrende NATO-Integration Neutralitaetsbrueche, Militarisierung Europas (Everlasting NATO-Integration breach of neutrality Europe's militarisation) ZOOM no 1/2 1997 pp98, Special issue on Austria's creeping integration into NATO and WEU and the resistance against this development including articles on the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy the Bal

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