Military - new material (19)

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Joris Janssen Lok NATO exercises in the east as Russia looks on, Jane's Defence Weekly 23.4.1997.

Calling the shots on arms purchases Pamela Pohling-Brown. Jane's Defence contracts May 1997 pp4-7. While NATO is reviewing its arms purchasing procedures there are moves in the EU to include a common armaments policy in the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

Kommando Spezialkrafte: Gefahr in Verzug. [Special Forces Command: Danger in delay]. AMI 1997/4 pp7-8. The German Ministry of Defence (mis)uses a High Court judgement to avoid parliamentary consultation before special forces operations abroad.

Le 5e Regiment de Forces Speciales Slowaques [5th Regiment Special forces of Slovakia]. Raids no 132 May 1997 pp46-52. The 5. "Pluk Specialneho Urcenia" located in Zilina is destined for actions behind the enemy lines.

Les Commando de l'air [The special air troopers]. Raids no 133, June 1997 pp10-21. Article on the special forces of the French Air Force.

Compulsory military service in central and eastern Europe. A general Survey. European Council of Conscripts Organisations (ECCO) 1996. From: Postbus 2384 3500 GJ Utrecht the Netherlands.

The Illustrated Guide to the world's top counter-terrorist forces. Samuel M. Katz Concord Publications Company Hong Kong 1995.

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