Military - new material (24)
01 May 1998
Learning Zone, B. Starr. Jane's Defence Weekly, 27.5.98 pp 24-27. NATO is looking at SFOR's experience in Bosnia as a model for future coalition warfare.
Identity crisis, M. Rogers. Jane's Defence Weekly, 3.6.98 pp 46-58. Crises in Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo have highlighted the lack of a working European security policy.
Instability in the eastern Mediterranean - A Cyprus crisis in the making, C Schofield and P. Hocknell. Jane's Intelligence Special Report, no 17, March 1998.
Warfare in the global city - The demands of modern military operations in urban terrain, M. Hewish and R. Pengelley. Jane's International Defense Review, no 6/1998 pp 32-43.
Grossauftrag fuer die europaeische Panzerindustrie [Big contract for the European armour industry] AMI, April 1998 pp 31-33. British-German plans for a new armoured personnel carrier.
Die Europaeisierung der deutschen Luft, Raumfahrt und Vertei-digungsindustrie [European trend for the German Aerospace and Defence industry, W. Heinzmann. Europaeische Sicherheit, no 5/98 pp 16-20
Die Westeuropaeische Union - Rolle und Perspektiven [The WEU -mission and perspective], P.M. Sommer. Europaeische Sicherheit, no 5/98 pp 45-47.
EU pays high price for French support on code of conduct, G. O'Callaghan. BASIC Reports, no 64, 4.6.98 pp 1-2.
Sharpening the Weapons of Peace: The Development of a Common Military Doctrine for
Peace Support operations, Lt Col Wilkinson. ISIS Briefing Paper, no 18, April 1998.
Firari. Campaign Against Compulsory Military Service in Turkey Sayi 5, 1998. This bulletin contains a round-up of reports relating to the campaigns activities opposing military service in Turkey. Available from: PO Box 2474, London N8; Tel. 0181 374 5027.
The technology of political control, Robin Ballantyne. Covert Action Quarterly (Spring) 1998, pp17-23. This important article looks back to warnings about the development of so-called "non-lethal weapons" and new technologies of political control by the British Society for Social Responsibility of Scientists twenty years ago. It concludes: "...there should be no illusions about the future targets of these technologies of political control: They are us."
Small arms, wrong hands - a case for government control of the small arms trade. Oxfam, April 1998. 88 pages. A detailed report on the supply of small arms by UK countries to the third world. While welcoming some of the recent changes it concludes that "current controls are inadequate.. the information held is inaccurate" and is a poor foundation for enforcing controls. From: Oxfam, 274 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DZ.
Parliamentary debates
Nuclear Material (Reprocessing) Commons 22.4.98. cols. 821-827
Royal Air Force Commons 23.4.98. cols. 979-1063
Sierra Leone (Arms Sales) Commons 6.5.98. cols. 721-731
Sierra Leone: Arms Sales Lords 11.5.98. cols. 820-829
Sierra Leone: Sandline International 14.5.98. cols. 1174-1177
Sierra Leone Commons 18.5.98. cols. 598-656
Territorial Army Commons 18.5.98. cols. 657-701