Military - new material (30)

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They're not defending our realm, Richard Norton-Taylor. Guardian 18.11.99. Piece on the Yorkshire-based RAF station Menworth Hill which "in reality, is a National Security Agency base used to eavesdrop on military, diplomatic, commercial and civil communications for over more than 40 years."

This is just between us (and the spies), Suelette Dreyfus. Independent Review 15.11.99. Article on the US National Security Agency which has "designed and patented a new technology that could aid in spying on international telephone calls...[It] is for a system of automated topic spotting and labelling of data." US patent number 5,937,422.

Arms exports to Indonesia, Nicholas Gilby. Campaign Against the Arms Trade (October) 1999, pp38. This paper takes as its starting point the pledges made by the Labour government when it came to power not to "permit the sale of arms to regimes that might use them for internal repression" and to "spread the values of human rights, civil liberties and democracy which we demand for ourselves". It contextualises the pledges in two chapters, one an examination of the intermingling of economic, political and military priorities of the Indonesian regime and the concomitant corruption and repression that accompanies it. The second chapter looks at UK exports (British Aerospace, Heckler & Koch, Alvis, GKN, Land Rover, Courtalds and GEC Marine) and policy and concludes that "the Labour government has failed to deliver on the pledges it made". The report explicitly states that: "Since Labour's election the human rights record of Suharto and Habibie has been appalling...That the Labour government has still been prepared to enable the upgrade of the Indonesian military for commercial reasons is scandalous". A third chapter considers other exporting countries, including the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, South Africa and China. Available from: CAAT, 11 Goodwin Street, Finsbury Park, London N4 3HQ; Tel. 0171 281 0297; email:

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