Military - New Material (31)

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EU military manoeuvring, JAC Lewis. Jane's Defence Weekly 8.12.99, p27. On the move by the UK and France to establish a multinational corps able to act in a crisis which could strengthen the EU's role on the world stage.

EADS structures itself for different futures, Paul Beaver. Jane's Defence Weekly 15.12.99, p22. The new European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (merger of Aerospatiale-Matra, Dasa and CASA of Spain) has a complex ownership structure to meet German concerns over French state ownership and French worries over workforce security.

European Defence: Momentum Regained, Edward Foster. Newsbrief No 12 (Royal United Services Institute) December 1999, pp86-88.

La restructuration des forces speciales belges [Reorganising Belgian special forces], Thierry Charlier. RAIDS no 165 (February) 2000, pp18-25.

Von Pflugscharen zu Schwerten: EU bekommt Interventionsarme [From ploughshares to swords: the EU gets an intervention army]. AMI January 2000, pp22-26.

Europaeische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik - Ergebnisse der deutschen Doppelpraesidentschaft in EU und WEU [European Security and Defence Policy - Results of the German dual presidency in EU and WEU], Peter-Michael Sommer. Europaeische Sicherheit 12/99 pp14-18.

Swiss security policy and partnership with NATO, Martin Dahinden. NATO Review No 4 (Winter) 1999, pp24-28. Article by the deputy head of the Swiss Mission to NATO which notes that while "There is no question of abandoning their neutrality,...the Swiss now seek to strengthen their security policy through cooperation with other nations and with NATO, in particular through Partnership for Peace."

Review of events concerning 32 Field Hospital and the release of nerve agent arising from US demolition of Iraqi munitions at the Khamisiyah depot in March 1991. Ministry of Defence, December 1999, pp25 (+ Annex A-H). Review of the US demolition of Iraqi rockets containing sarin and cyclosarin at the Khamisiyah ammunition storage facility in 1991 which concludes: "Even if troops had been exposed to the nerve agent at the exceptionally low levels modelled...There would have been no biologically detectable effect."

British chemical warfare defence during the Gulf conflict (1990-91). Ministry of Defence, 1999, pp40 (+ Annex A & B). This paper considers "the suite of measures to defend British forces against the threat of chemical weapons" since the first world war and "further defensive measures...developed during the Gulf conflict."

CAAT News Issue 159 (January) 2000, pp16. Has articles on Arms to Zimbabwe and Pakistan, the lifting of the embargo of arms to Indonesia and the Export Credits Guarantee Department.

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