Military - new material (35)

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Cost cut for eyes in space, Mark Hewish. International Defense Review 12/2000, pp32?38. Military users are exploiting commercial satellite technology.

Europaeische Sicherheits? und Verteidigungspolitik ? Was erwarten wir vom Gipfel von Nizza? [European Security and Defence Policy ? what can we expect from the Nice Summit?], Helmut Frietsche, Dirk Parchmann & Peter Michael Sommer. Europaeische Sicherheit 12/2000, pp38?41.

Die EU macht mobil: Einsatzradius von 4000 Kilometern [The EU deploys rapidly: 4000 km deployment radius], AMI December 2000, pp29?36.

European defense edges towards a new spirit of co?operation, Gordon Wilson. International Defense Review, January 2001 pp54?58. Technological advancement is a major element in Europe's latest steps toward a new defence identity.

Europaeische Sicherheits? und Verteidigungspolitik ? Der Erfolg von Nizza?! [European Security and Defence Policy ? The success of Nice?!]. Joachim Tzschaschel & Stefan WD Spanik, Europaeische Sicherheit 2/2001 pp10?12.

UK: U-18s: Report on recruitment and deployment of child soldiers.

Amnesty International November 2000, pp37 (+ appendices) EUR 45/57/00. Observing that in the UK members of the armed forces under the age of 18 are not merely recruited and trained but "routinely sent into the battlefield", this report calls on the UK government "to stop both the recruitment and deployment of child soldiers". It also calls for the government to ratify the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child without any reservation. Amnesty urges the government "to make it a criminal offence to recruit and use under-18s in hostilities by armed groups and offers eight recommendations for the "interim period"."

UK: U-18s: Child soldiers at risk. Amnesty International November 2000, pp21, EUR 45/56/00.

This report notes that it is not only the deployment of under-18s that is dangerous, but also their recruitment. Amnesty argues that under-18s have died or been injured during live-ammunition training exercises and physically arduous training programmes and are vulnerable to ill-treatment and bullying.

Parliamentary debates

European Defence Co-operation Commons 22.11.00 cols 311-327
European Defence Co-operation Lords 22.11.00 cols 857-867
Strategic Export Controls Commons 14.12.00 cols 1WH-42WH
Gulf War Illnesses Lords 15.1.01 cols 1001-1025

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