Military - New material (40)

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Endspurt zum einheitlichen europeaeischen Ruestungsmarkt? [Final push towards a unified European arms market?] AMI 7/8. 2002 pp.31-36
Die Division Spezielle Operationen - ein Jahr nach der Auf-stellung [Special Operations Division - One Year after Activation], Andreas Schmidt. Europaeische Sicherheit 8/2002 pp.30-35. Special forces of the Bundeswehr.
Militaerische Spezialkraefte fuer die Europaeische Union [Military Special Forces for the European Union], Thomas Frisch. Europaeische Sicherheit 7/2002 pp.18-25. In the EU member states there are a total of just under 10,000 special forces of which the operational forces number approximately 3,000.
Green views on the European Security and Defence Policy, Joost Lagendijk (MEP). In Werner Hoyer & Gerd F. Kaldrack (eds.), "Europaeische Sicherheits - und Verteidigungspolitik (EVSP)", Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002.

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