Military - new material (6)

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West shows way for Baltic peacekeepers. Jane's Defence Weekly 4.3.95. Troops from Estonia Latvia and Lithuania are being trained by UK Royal Marines commandos at the former Russian Adazi Camp in Latvia for UN "peace keeping" duties in the tri-national Baltic Battalion.

Military network now handles DOD Humint. Jane's Defence Weekly 11.3.94 - The US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) now runs a network of personnel who collect military intelligence both clandestinely and openly from human sources outside the USA. This new clandestine network works apart from the publicly acknowledged Defense Attach system.

The Spanish Rapid Deployment Force. Raids No. 39 February 1995,The Spanish Army is currently raising a rapid deployment force, the Fuerza de Accion Rapida (FAR) that will be made up exclusively of career soldiers and deployed in NATO or UN intervention forces.

Turkey's Kurdish conflict. Jane's Intelligence Review April 1995. Turkeys military planning in the offensive against the Kurds that started in March 1994 and the PKK's strategy and tactics.

Germany establishes peacekeeping HQ. International Defense Review February 1995. Lacking a general chief of staff due to historical circumstances the Bundeswehr has now set up a joint tri-service Fhrungszentrum (command and control centre) to overview future out-of-area missions.

Winter campaign in Kurdistan. International Defense Review, February 1995. Evaluation of the new strategy of the Turkish army that consists in the razing of complete Kurdish villages and massive deployment of special forces commando teams.

Ireland edges towards EU security identity. International Defense Review April 1995. The Permanent Defence Force (PDF) that used to concentrate on internal security along the border with Northern Ireland is now reorienting towards a more active involvement in EU operations such a the Monitoring Mission in Former Yugoslavia.

Towards a European Space Based Observation Centre. Document 1454 of the Assembly of Western European Union May 1995. Report submitted on behalf of the Technological and Aerospace Committee.

Collective Security Revisited. Draft Interim Report AM 107 of the Working Group on Transatlantic and European Organizations from the North Atlantic Assembly May 1995.

Useable and relevant: the Territorial Army beyond the 90s Major General George Kennedy & Brigadier Richard Holmes. RUSI Journal 140(1):50-55 1995. Piece on the territorial Army that sees them as a link "between society and the army.

The new terror weapons. Open Eye issue 3 1995 pp19-21. Looks at US military's development of so-called "non-lethal" weapons.

N-Base Briefing. Produced by NENIG (Northern European Nuclear Information Group) for the past seven years; published 10 times a year. Now redesigned and expanded it covers UK civil nuclear and related issues including reprocessing waste storage and disposal nuclear transport by land sea and air marine and atmospheric discharges; national European and international regulations and conventions plus recent UK and European publications and articles from specialist magazines. Also provide subscribers with faxed photocopies of cuttings from the N-Base library. Subscription rates: Individuals: 15 Voluntary and academic organisations 30 Local and national government 100 (cheques payable to NENIG. From: N-Base Briefings NENIG Bain's Beach Commercial Street Lerwick Shetland UK.

Parliamentary debates

RAF Bentwaters Commons 27.3.95. cols. 800-808 Chemical weapons Commons 24.4.95. cols. 634-642 Royal Air Force Commons 4.5.95. cols. 453-534

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