Military - new material (65)
01 October 2008
War Crimes: time for justice? Phil Shiner and Bill Bowring. Socialist Lawyer no. 50 (September) 2008, pp. 24-26. This article covers talks given by Shiner (Public Interest Lawyers) and Bowring (International Secretary of the Haldane Society) as part of the Haldane Society’s series of human rights lectures. Shiner focuses on accountability for war crimes, particularly the torture committed by the British Army in southeast Iraq. Bowring discusses attempts to bring Israeli military war criminals to justice using universal jurisdiction, his efforts to prosecute the former US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and his work on Chechen cases. Socialist Lawyer is available from The Haldane Society, PO Box 57055, London EC1P 1AF.
Any Evidence of the harmful Consequences of DU is to be silenced, Doug Rokke. Current Concerns No 11/12, 2008, pp3-4. The piece is an interview with Doug Rokke the former director of the US Army’s Depleted Uranium Project, in which he discusses the situation of US veterans from Operation Desert Storm in 1991.
Bases of Empire: the global spread of US military and intelligence bases, Cora Fabros. Peace Researcher no. 37 (November) 2008, pp. 9-19. This article looks at US military deployment overseas, “the most extensive foreign basing structure in the world.” It has a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Available from Anti-Bases Campaign, Christchurch, New Zealand: