Military - new material (9)

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Die Wundersame Geburt einer verbotene Luftwaffe (The miraculous birth of a forbidden air force). AMI 11/1995. There are strong indications that Germany broke the UN arms-boycott against the states of former Yugoslavia by helping Croatia to create an air force.

Study on NATO Enlargement: Destabilizing Europe Martin Butcher, Tasos Kokkinides and Daniel Plesch. Joint Report of the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) and the Centre for European Security and Disarmament (CESD). December 1995. To avoid a new division in Europe NATO should not expand unless Russia is included.

The Security Implications of the Opening of Borders in Europe, Draft Interim Report AM 258 of the Civilian Affairs Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly. October 1995.

Structure and Functions: European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI) and Combined Joint task Forces (CJTF). Draft General Report AM 269 of the Defence and Security Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly. October 1995.

The Enlargement of the Alliance. Draft Special Report AM 274 of the Defence and Security Committee of the North atlantic Assembly. October 1995.

Towards a Security Strategy for Europe and NATO. Draft General Report AM 293 of the Political Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly. October 1995.

Agency seeks a role as the EU contemplates common defence, Elizabeth Wise. European Voice 9.11.95. Looks at the possible role of the Western European Union military alliance and its relationship with NATO.

Hawks over East Timor: Britain arms Indonesia Mark Curtis, Covert Action Quarterly Winter 1995-96 pp52-57. This piece investigates British arms sales to the authoritarian Indonesian government who are waging a campaign of genocide in East Timor.

Arms for Aid Ann Clwyd. New Statesman & Society 12.1.96. pp26- 27. On the doubling of British aid to Indonesia despite its illegal annexing of East Timor.

Gulf of Despair Peter Beaumont. Observer 14.1.96. An assessment of the British military performance in the Gulf War that concludes that it hovered between the "disastrous and the irrelevant".

Parliamentary debates

Reserve Forces Bill Lords 28.11.95. cols. 520-556 Chemical Weapons Bill Commons 6.12.95. cols. 413-443 Armed Forces Bill Commons 13.12.95. cols. 1024-1069 The Army Commons 18.1.96. cols. 903-981 Reserve Forces Bill Lords 23.1.96. cols. CWH 1-42 Reserve Forces Bill Lords 25.1.96. cols. CWH 43-98

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