Netherlands: Deportation delay

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The Iranian asylum seeker Majid Nasseri has ended a 31 day hunger strike. Although his appeal against deportation was rejected by a court in the Hague, the Dutch government has agreed to re-examine the position of asylum seekers from Iran, following pressure from campaigning organisations.

The Dutch government used to allow asylum seekers from Iran to stay in the country even if their asylum claim had been rejected. However the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended a change in the policy claiming that Iran had recently began to show more respect for human rights (see Statewatch, vol 7 no 3).

The cabinet now appears to be revising their position again, with Prime Minister Wim Kok wishing to re-examine the foreign ministry's judgement of Iran. Mr Nasseri will in any case be allowed temporary leave to remain, owing to his enfeebled physical condition.

Another Iranian asylum seeker who is currently on hunger strike, Amir Amiry, will also have a stay of deportation. The immigration and naturalisation service wish to speak to him again about his case. Mr Amiry has now agreed to drink water and take mineral supplements, although he continues to refuse solid foods.

NRC Handelsblad Weekeditie, 19.8.97.

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