Netherlands:Deportation of Moroccan youths
01 January 1991
Netherlands:Deportation of Moroccan youths
artdoc June=1993
Amsterdam police, have deported at least eight North African
youth to Morocco as part, they say, of a plan to expel 75 youths
accused of being `criminal illegals'.
However, the deportations have run into difficulties as the
Moroccan government have refused to except the deportees without
proof that they are indeed their nationals. A delegation from
Holland has gone to Morocco to explain the government's actions
and the Amsterdam police have met with the Moroccan consulate.
Now, the consulate in Amsterdam has agreed to cooperate with the
police, by providing language experts and conducting interviews
to determine whether the detainees really are Moroccan. (
Volkskrant 1.3.93).
Black officers allege police racism
A Surinamese police officer, who recently joined the Amsterdam
police, has been hospitalised following an incident where another
officer, he claims, assaulted him. L. Liesdek is now seeking
legal help following what he describes as attempts by the police
authorities to `cover up' the incident.
It seems that the incident happened following the Biljmer plane
crash when Mr. Liesdek, who was still on probation, incurred the
wrath of his colleague by offering his assistance to the crash
According to Mr. Liesdek's lawyer, following the incident he
has become very tense, even suicidal (Volkskrant 22.3.93). In
another incident, a black woman officer claims that a fellow
police officer put a pistol to her head and said `You know I hate
blacks in the police force'. Although the incident happened over
a year ago, it is only now being investigated. The officer says
that she informed her superiors, but they took no notice. A
policeman has been suspended. (Volkskrant 15.3.93).
IRR European Race Audit no 4 1993. Contact: Liz Fekete, Institute
of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS. Tel: ++ 071
837 0041