NETHERLANDS:Journalist collective raided

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On Wednesday 28 September, police detectives searched the premises of the journalist collective foundation Opstand ("Uprising") in Amsterdam and the houses of three members of the foundation's board. Two computers plus files, office equipment, personal correspondence and most of the documentation were confiscated. No explanation was given for the raid other than "ongoing investigations" against unknown suspects. It was made explicit that none of the board members or staff was in any way considered as a suspect and nobody has been questioned or detained. The journalists of Opstand have concentrated and published on issues such as immigration, the exploitation of "illegal" immigrants by employers, unemployment and new labour relations shaped to Japanese models.

Although the public prosecutor refuses to comment, it has been suggested that forensic text analysis of "Rara" press statements has indicated some similarity with texts produced by Opstand journalists. Although the BVD security service has in the past claimed to know the "Rara" activists and used intrusive methods in its investigations, all cases remain unsolved.

Stichting Opstand PO Box 11127 1001 GC Amsterdam Holland, tel/fax +31 20 6649395.

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