Netherlands: Medical data disappears

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Mr Jean Muluta, the husband of Mrs Jojo Mulata who died last April because Dutch immigration authorities for two weeks failed to recognize her serious medical condition (see Statewatch vol 2 no 4), has for three months been trying in vain to locate his luggage containing medical data from a Libyan doctor who examined Mrs Mulata shortly before her arrival at Schiphol airport en route to Copenhagen. Finally, Mr. Muluta and a group of supporters went to the KLM lost luggage depot after the airline company repeatedly claimed it could not find the suitcases. At the depot, Mr. Muluta pointed out his belongings immediately, but was surprised to find that some clothes, a photo album and the medical data were missing from one of the cases. KLM now claims "Murphy's Law is applicable here: everything that could go wrong, went wrong."

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