Netherlands: Riot police accused of attempted murder
01 July 1997
An Amsterdam local government worker has laid charges of attempted murder against the Mobiele Eenheid (Mobile Unit, Dutch equivalent of the UK Tactical Support Group) after he was badly beaten by five ME members during demonstrations surrounding the Amsterdam summit.
J Quakermaat and his wife and daughter were attending the 50,000 strong demonstration against unemployment on Saturday June 14 when disturbances broke out around police headquarters in the Marnixstraat. Quakermaat and his family then decided to leave the demonstration. However according to him the ME members told him to turn back. When Mr Quakermaat refused to heed their instructions he was then set upon by the five police officers. Lawyers representing Mr Quakermaat are insisting that the Police carry out a full investigation.
NRC Handelsblad Weekeditie, 8.7.97.