Newham tenant evicted

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Newham tenant evicted
artdoc July=1991

A racist tenant who harassed and threatened to kill an Asian
family living next door to her has been evicted from her
Newham Council estate home recently.
Colleen Simmonds who received a three month suspended
sentence at the High Court in April for racial attacks against
Rajiv and Mercedes Dodia of Bessie Lansbury Close, Beckton,
denied all allegations made against her. The Dodias testified
that on one occasion Ms Simmonds led a mob of youths to their
home, chanting, `Kill the Paki bastards.' On several other
occasions, Ms Simmonds and her son taunted and threatened
In October a possession order on the Simmonds' home was
granted by a Bow County Court judge. However, it was not until
December that two policemen accompanied by a Newham Council
Housing Officer took possession of the home. (New Life

IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 66. Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS

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