NI: Birmingham 6 - formal apologybut no cash

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In July the Home Secretary, Jack Straw, formally apologised to the Birmingham 6 for their wrongful conviction for an IRA pub bombing in 1974, which resulted in their imprisonment for 17 years (see Statewatch 1:3). The apology followed a vociferous campaign by the men, which included a picket of the Home Office on the day before they received the apology. The letter from Mr Straw, in which he refused to meet the men, also promised "further interim payments" in compensation for their imprisonment. Each of the men has received £200,000 to date but recent offers have attempted divide them by offering different amounts. The men plan to refuse any offer that doesn't pay them the same amount. In a letter to Straw they wrote: "Unless there is a substantial improvement in the overall offer of compensation, and serious attempts to settle our claim quickly, we intend to go for a judicial review and take our case to Europe."

Guardian 25.7.97.

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