NI: N Ireland: Collusion 1990-1994

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The Relatives for Justice group have published a 60 page report on "Loyalist Paramilitary Murders in the North of Ireland". The pamphlet begins with an eight page summary of the evidence of the types of assistance which loyalist groups (UVF, UFF, UDA) have received from the official forces (RUC, British Army and UDR/RIR). It notes that prior to the South African arms shipment, organised amongst others by loyalists Charlie Simpson and Brian Nelson (both of whom worked for British intelligence (see Statewatch vol 2 no 2 and vol 3 no 2), loyalist groups killed 71 people in the six years up to December 1987. In the following six years they killed 229 people. The report also notes that between 1990 and 1994 "51 serving and former Security Force members were charged or convicted of terrorist-related offences ranging from possession to murder". The rest of the pamphlet is a case by case description of each of the killings by loyalist groups since 1990, including details of collusion. The pamphlet (price £2.00) is available from The Art Shop, Falls Road, Belfast.

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