NI: Northern Ireland - in brief (1)

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FBI links with RUC cut: The US House of Representatives has cut the funding for an FBI training programme with the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) after expressing concerns over the Northern Irish police force's sectarianism. The ruling, initiated in July by Congressmen Chris Smith and Peter King, followed discontent over civil rights abuses, particularly involving RUC collusion with loyalist death squads. Evidence continues to come to light linking the RUC to the deaths of solicitors Pat Finucane and Rosemary Nelson (see Statewatch vol 9 no 3 & 4). Smith, chairman of the sub-committee on International Operations and Human Rights, said: "This bill puts our money where our mouth is by blocking US funds to RUC programmes and requiring the President and State Department to closely monitor the harassment of defence attorneys. When these human rights issues are rightly addressed, then the monetary assistance continues." The Rosemary Nelson Campaign welcomed the decision noting that: "This move by the US House of Representatives unanimously and resoundingly backs the call for a fully independent international investigation." They added that it was preposterous that the RUC, an organisation alleged to have threatened the life of Rosemary Nelson, should be involved in any capacity in an investigation into her murder.

An Phoblacht/Republican News 29.7.99.

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