NI: Northern Ireland: Microwave radiation
01 March 1997
In January 1993, Statewatch reported the concerns of residents in the Crossmaglen area of South Armagh that British army surveillance equipment was linked to observed clusters and increases in cancer cases in the area (Statewatch, vol 3 no 1). Now the RUC has consulted the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) following the deaths of three members of the E4A undercover surveillance unit of the Special Branch. All three died of cancer of the colon and the concern is that the deaths may be linked to the wearing of microwave radio equipment which is typically strapped to the skin beneath clothing for concealment purposes. According to the Intelligence Newsletter, the RUC press office claims the NRPB's review is not just linked to the deaths but covers the use of all microwave equipment.
Intelligence Newsletter, 13.2.97.