NI: Northern Ireland - new material (5)

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Conspiracy to murder: death lists, British military intelligence and an Orange lodge, Laura Friel. An Phoblacht/Republican News 11.11.99., pp10-11. This article documents the seizure of a loyalist intelligence cache from Stoneyford Orange Hall on the outskirts of Belfast. The British army documents profiled about 300 republicans and nationalists placing "the covert activities of British Military Intelligence centre stage in the collusion controversy."

Just News. Committee on the Administration of Justice, Volume 15 no 11 (November) 1999, pp8. This issue contains articles on a visit to Northern Ireland by the UN special rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, a Relatives for Justice conference on state violence, an update on developments in the Pat Finucane murder in light of the Stobie and Maloney cases and new guidelines for delivering equality.

Gender and the transition from school to work in Belfast, M Leonard. Women's Studies International Forum Vol 22 no 6 (November-December) 1999, pp619-630. Article based on interviews carried out in 1991 with 122 pupils between the ages of 15-18 from a Catholic working class area characterised by high, long-term unemployment located in Belfast. It focuses on three main aspects of young people's lives: intended career aspirations, involvement in term-time employment and their participation in paid work within the household. Leonard suggests that the transition from school to work plays a crucial role in the reproduction of gender relations.

Policing Ireland, Jim Smyth. Capital & Class No 69 (Autumn) 1999, pp101-123. This article situates the Royal Ulster Constabulary "within a context of policing which deviates significantly from other Western European countries." Smyth argues that the "centralised, armed and paramilitary force" is "culturally, politically and organisationally locked into its role as a counter-insurgency force" and is a "dysfunctional element" within the context of the Good Friday Agreement.

Parliamentary debates

Political Progress in Northern Ireland Commons 22.11.99. cols. 345-359
Northern Ireland Commons 30.11.99. cols. 253-276
Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Appointed Day) Order 1999 Lords 30.11.99. cols. 723-752
The Patten Report Lords 19.1.00. cols. 1162-1177
Terrorism Bill Commons 14.12.99. cols. 152-234
Disqualifications Bill Commons 25.1.00. cols. 184-290
Disqualifications Bill Commons 26.1.00. cols. 291-552<

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