NI: Stalker Report
01 January 1994
Sir Hugh Annesley has been served with a subpoena to appear before an inquest and to bring with him documents relating to the Stalker Inquiry into "shoot-to-kill" operations. The inquest concerns the deaths of three unarmed men (Burns, McKerr and Toman) who were killed by the RUC's E4A unit in November 1982, killings which were themselves a part of the Stalker Inquiry. This inquest has been stalled on many occasions by legal argument, by the prosecution and acquittal of three RUC officers, by the IRA killing of the judge who acquitted the RUC men, and by the death at the hands of the UFF of the McKerr family solicitor, Pat Finucane (see Statewatch vol 2 no 4, 1992). British Army agent Brian Nelson has frequently been linked to the latter (see Statewatch vol 2, no 2; vol 3 no 3). The inquest was due to resume at the end of January but is likely to be suspended while the Chief Constable mounts a legal challenge to keep the Stalker documents out of the public domain
News Letter 14.1.94.