Northern Ireland - new material (18)

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Human rights and the peace process in northern Ireland Paul Mageean & Kieran McEvoy. Just News Vol 10 no 9 (September) 1995, pp4-5. Argues that the peace process should be based on rights and not on fraught political deals hammered out in smoke- filled rooms.

The final court of justice Paul Mageean. Just News Vol. 10 no. 10 1995 pp1-2. Discussion of the European Court of Human Rights decision that the British government had violated the right to life of the three unarmed IRA volunteers who were shot dead by the SAS in Gibraltar in 1988.

Parliamentary debates

Northern Ireland (Remission of Sentences) Bill Commons 30.10.95

cols. 21-73 Northern Ireland (Remission of sentences) Bill Lords 2.11.95

cols. 1507-1524

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