Northern Ireland - new material (19)

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The crisis in policing: dangers and opportunities. Common Ground Vol. 2 no 2 (Winter) 1995. Examination of policing in northern Ireland; "on the one hand the opportunity exists to create...a policing structure which could win widespread acceptability...on the other hand there is a clear danger to the entire peace process if movement is not made soon within the stultified structures of the NIO and the RUC."

Human Rights: the agenda for change . Committee on the Administration of Justice (December) 1995 p60. This report comes out of a conference - "Human Rights the Northern Ireland conflict and the peace process" - held in Belfast in March 1995. It includes the text of talks by international jurists and the programme "Human Rights: the agenda for change" which tackles the key issues that arose during the conference.

The secret life of Lindsay Robb Daire McMahon. Fortnight 346 (January) 1996 p12. Lindsay Robb a member of the Progressive Unionist Party delegation which met the Government ministers for peace talks was recently arrested for procuring weapons for the UVF. This piece examines his role as a key state witness in the conviction of Lurgan man Colin Duffy who was sentenced to life plus 20 years for the killing of an ex-UDR soldier.

On the Verge of Disaster Mitchell McLaughlin. An Phoblacht- Republican News 4.1.96. p3. Extract of a speech by McLaughlin which condemns the manoeuverings of the British government and restates "the commitment of Sinn Fein to a strategy for peace".

Parliamentary debates

Northern Ireland Lords 29.11.95. cols. 581-593 Northern Ireland Commons 29.11.95. cols. 1199-1211 Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill Commons 9.1.96

cols. 31-115 Northern Ireland: report of International Body on Arms Decommissioning Lords cols. 24.1.96. cols. 1070-1082 Northern Ireland (Mitchell Report) Commons 24.1.96. cols. 353-370

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