Northern Ireland - new material (20)
01 December 1996
Joint Services Group Thomas Doherty. Lobster (Dorril) No. 30 1996 pp22-24. Doherty claims to have worked for Army Intelligence (Joint Services Group) in northern Ireland where he acquired intelligence on Republicans on both sides of the border. The article includes a useful list of Doherty's commanding officers and contacts which includes Colonel George Williams who died in the Mull of Kintyre helicopter crash last year.
The situation of Irish prisoners in England: submission to the Committee Against Torture. British Irish Rights Watch & Irish Commission for Prisoners Overseas September 1995 pp11. This report summarises the following BIRW/ICPO concerns affecting Irish republican prisoners held in English jails: Special Secure Units; strip searching; tariffs for mandatory life sentence prisoners; the transfer of prisoners from Britain to Ireland; security and care following the Woodcock report and the treatment of the six prisoners involved in the attempted escape from Whitemoor prison.
Where's your peace strategy John? Meadbh Gallagher. An Phoblacht/Republican News 21.3.96. pp10-11. Interview with Sinn Fein national chairperson Mitchel Mclaughlin on the role of the Dublin government in the "peace process".
Report of Fine Gael party delegation to Republican prisoners in Britain. Fine Gael September 1995. Report from a Fine Gael delegation that visited prisoners in Full Sutton Whitemoor and Belmarsh. It expresses concern over the lack of progress on the re-categorisation of republican prisoners Review Board hearings and the repatriation of prisoners.
Just News Vol 11 no. 3 (March) 1996. Committee on the Administration of Justice. This issue has reports on Emergency legislation the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the case of Colin Duffy who was jailed for life on the word of paid informer and UVF terrorist Lindsay Robb, Available from: CAJ 45-47 Donegall Street Belfast BT1 2FG.
Parliamentary debates
Northern Ireland Peace Process Commons 12.2.96. cols. 655-673 Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill Commons 19.2.96. cols. 41-108 Prevention and suppression of terrorism Commons 14.3.96. Cols 1124-1171