Northern Ireland - new material (26)

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Failure to account? Keith Bryett. Policing Today Volume 3 No 1 (March) 1997 pp22-25. This article argues against a police authority for Northern Ireland and advocates two alternatives: i. " the RUC in some type of relationship with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland..." or ii. " a group of qualified professional people between the police and government."

Here to stay here to fight. CARF 36 (February/March) 1996 pp10- 11. This article considers the situation of the unacknowledged Chinese Indian Pakistani and Traveller communities in northern Ireland. The four communities established the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities in an attempt to raise awareness.

Statistics on the operation of Prevention of Terrorism legislation: Great Britain 1996. Home Office Statistical Bulletin (Research & Statistics Directorate) 4/97 18.3.97. Latest PTA statistics bulletin.

CAJ commentary on 1996 Primary Inspection report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary with reference to the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Committee for the Administration of Justice 45/47 Donegall Street Belfast BT1 2FG. March 1997 8 pages.

Just News. Committee on the Administration of Justice Vol. 12, no. 3 (March) 1997. This issue contains articles on Bloody Sunday ethnic minorities miscarriages of justice and human rights. Available from CAJ 45/47 Donegall Street Belfast.

Global perspective for Royal Ulster Constabulary's Communications systems. PITO News Issue 3 (February) 1997 pp4-5. Piece on the RUCs "developing multi-million pound communication network."

Parliamentary debates

Prevention of Terrorism Commons 5.3.97. cols. 917-960 Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989 (Continuance) Order 1997 Lords 10.3.97. cols. 9-22

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