Northern Ireland - new material (35)

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Forget the weapons and learn to trust Sinn Fein, Michael Oatley. Sunday Times 31.10.99. Oatley is "a former MI6 controller for the Middle East and counter-terrorism, and for Europe." Here he argues that decommissioning of weapons is not a central issue to the peace protest and that Sinn Fein "is serious about peace."

For queen and country, Liam Clarke. Sunday Times 21.11.99. Article on the "Force Research Unit" (FRU) a military undercover operations unit that, according to a former member, was responsible for an arson attack on the offices of a police inquiry into collaboration with loyalist paramilitaries. The government has sought an injunction preventing further revelations of the undercover unit's "dirty tricks".

"A new beginning: policing in Northern Ireland". CAJ's commentary on the Patten report. The Committee on the Administration of Justice (November) 1999, (Submission no S.91) pp24, £3. This is the CAJ's submission to the Secretary of State regarding the Patten report on the Royal Ulster Constabulary. It tackles Human Rights; Accountability; Policing with the Community; Policing in a Peaceful Society; Public Order Policing; Management and Personnel; Information Technology; Structures; Size of the Police Service; Composition of the Police Service & Recruitment; Training; Education and Development; Culture, Ethos and Symbols, Cooperation with other police services and Implementation.

Recent developments in the Finucane case: Additional submission to the Criminal Justice Review. Committee on the Administration of Justice (October) 1999, pp8. This paper updates CAJ's submission to the Criminal Justice Review. It records significant developments in the Pat Finucane murder including evidence from William Stobie, a police informer who was charged with Finucane's murder last June.

Parliamentary debate

Political Progress in Northern Ireland Lords 22.11.99. cols. 190-202

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