Norway: Racism and fascism (3)
01 January 1991
Norway: Racism and fascism
artdoc April=1995
Growth in student and youth racism
A right-wing students' association formed at Blindern University,
Oslo, is connected to the nationalist `Oslo Group' and the
Norwegian Patriotic Unity party. Now, racist organisations are
promising that further extremist students' groups will be set up
in the near future (Aftenposten, Arbeiderbladet 19, 20.10.94).
A survey carried out by Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reveals
that Norwegian youth are becoming more prejudiced towards
immigrants. Sixty-six per cent of those polled say that Norway
should accept less immigrants. In Kongsvinger, a 10-year-old
Norwegian boy has been making racist phone calls and painted `I
am a racist' on the door of a Kurdish woman's home (Glå Dalen,
Nye Troms 19,20.10.94).
*The information in this section has been taken from Samora
Newsletter's November, December 1994.
Racists, too young to understand, says court
Two members of the racist NMI sentenced to nine and five months
imprisonment for shooting at an immigrant hostel in Kristiansand
in the summer of 1993, have successfully appealed against their
sentence and received reduced sentences. The Supreme Court ruled
that the youths were too young to realise the seriousness of
their actions and the person who had fired the shot had personal
problems (Vart Land 7.12.94).
Police failure to prosecute
An investigation is to be launched by the public prosecutor into
whether racism cases are being dropped more often than other
cases. The police handling of a serious racist attack in Bod
has caused concern. South African Ernest Tito, was attacked with
iron bars by two Norwegian men who shouted `Damn! A bloody nigger
wearing shoes'. The police decided not to press charges against
one man arrested but sentenced him to 30 days in prison for a
previous attack on a policeman (Nordlandposten 5,10.12.94).
Progress party launch "Kick' em out" campaign
The Progress party youth movement have launched a campaign,
entitled `Kick' em out', aimed at `criminal foreigners'. `We
don't believe it's right that Norwegian tax payers should feed
foreigners who don't accept the Norwegian law. Therefore, we want
to deport all foreigners sentenced to three months or more in
prison' (Fremskritt 5.11.94).
Norwegian/German far-right links exposed
The organiser of the right-wing BBS National Alliance, Arnljot
Moseng, has resigned after his connection with the German neo-
nazi Thule network was exposed. The BBS has in the past organised
several anti-immigrant conferences as well as an anti-anti-
fascist conference (Aftenposten 6,7,8.11.94).
IRR European Race Audit, Bulletin no 12, March 1995. Contact: Liz
Fekete, Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London
WC1X 9HS. Tel: 0171 837 0041