Norway: Racism and fascism (4)

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Norway: Racism and fascism
artdoc November=1995

Nazi round-up

Following a demonstration against a new neo-nazi centre in Oslo,
80 neo-nazis, some as young as 14 years old and mostly members
of skinhead groups like "Viking" and "Boot Boys", were arrested,
although most were later released without charge. A police raid
on the premises led to the confiscation of 22 calibre pistols
with ammunition, rifles, guns, clubs fitted with studs, teargas,
knives, iron bars and whips (Klassekampen, NTB, Dagbladet 10,
An all-girl neo-nazi group called "Valkyria" has been
formed, led by the girlfriend of Boot Boy Ole Krogstad. In
Pingerike, a new neo-nazi group called "Norwegian Patriotic
Youth" has been formed. its 20 members are aged between 15 and
22 (Vartland, Aftenposten 14, 18.2.95).

No justice for Mohammed Akbari

Three men accused of attempting to murder Mohammed Akbari have
been set free, despite the testimony of his neighbours, because
of lack of evidence (Dagbladet 2.2.95).

IRR European Race Audit, no 13, April 1995. Contact: Liz Fekete,
Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS.
Tel: 0171 837 0041

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