Officers sacked for pub beating
01 January 1991
Officers sacked for pub beating
artdoc July=1991
Seven PCs who beat a man unconscious outside an East End pub
have been dismissed from the Metropolitan police for
discreditable conduct.
The Acting Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir
John Dellow, handed down his decision a month after a
disciplinary tribunal recommended the firings. A spokesperson
for Scotland Yard said, `This represents the intention of the
whole Metropolitan police from every police constable up to
the top to rid itself of officers who abuse their positions of
trust. Behaviour like this will not be tolerated. Officers
need to know they are working alongside decent, honest,
respectable people.'
As a result of the beating, Gary Stretch was temporarily
blinded and left with a partially severed ear. Stretch is
presently bringing a civil action against the police for
assault, wrongful arrest, and false imprisonment. (Times
8.12.90, East London Advertiser 14.12.90, Independent 8.12.90,
Daily Mail 8.12.90)
IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 66. Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS